When was the last time you got excited about a sporting event? I realized about a few years back that it had been awhile since I had stopped to enjoy my free time, so I started investing a significant amount of time into learning more and more about sports. As part of my research, I joined a few adult sporting leagues, and it was absolutely incredible to see the difference that it made. Within a few short months, I felt like I was healthier than ever before. This blog is all about enjoying sports and making the most of your free time.

How Dances Classes Can Improve Your Overall Health

24 January 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Whether you were a dancer for years, or you are just starting out and want to learn how to dance, there are a number of benefits to taking dance classes. While you may be nervous in the beginning, taking a dance class can be a great way to reduce your stress levels. You'll be around other people who are trying the same thing, you have the opportunity to learn something, and you'll be getting some exercise at the same time. Read More …

Train Your Falcon To Be Obedient And Non-Aggressive Toward You

13 January 2019
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Observing a raptor overtake a smaller bird or rodent can be one of nature's most fascinating phenomenons. If you have completed the groundwork necessary to obtain ownership of a falcon, your next course of action is to train your falcon so that it obeys your commands without becoming aggressive toward you. This will take patience and a set schedule that your falcon can adapt to. Instill A Dinner Pattern Although falcons can be kept in captivity, they should continue to eat a diet that would be similar to one that they would consume if they were in the wild. Read More …